Discrepancy Checker

A tool to compare two PDF documents and identify discrepancies in clause numbers, British Standards, and Uniclass codes.
‼️Please note, this tool provides assistance in document comparison but does not guarantee 100% accuracy.
Users should exercise their professional judgment when interpreting results.

Download sample documents to try the tool:

1. ✅ Upload two documents to compare (Document A & B)
2. ✅ Choose an extraction rule to see matching and mismatching values between the documents
3. ‼️ Important: The values in uploaded documents must match the format of the selected extraction rule (e.g., for Clause Numbers, values should be in format L20/430A)
4. ✅ Results can be downloaded in CSV or PDF format for the record.

PDF Document/Drawing A (pdf)
PDF Preview
Extracted Text Preview
PDF Document/Drawing B (pdf)
PDF Preview
Extracted Text Preview
Rule-based Value Extraction

This tool performs exact value matching between documents. It extracts values that precisely match the selected format (e.g., clause numbers like "L20/430A") and compares them directly. For accurate results, ensure your document's values closely follow the example formats shown on each button. The comparison will highlight any discrepancies where values appear in one document but not in the other.

Comparison Results

Total mismatches: 0

Total items: 0

Document A Values Document B Values Status
Clause Title Comparison

This tool compares clause titles between documents by matching both the clause number and the first 3 words of the title. It identifies cases where clause numbers may match but titles differ, or where entire clauses are present in one document but missing in the other. For best results, ensure clause titles follow the format shown (e.g., "L20/865 External Doors").

Clause Title Results

Total mismatches: 0

Total items: 0

Doc A Clause Doc A Title Doc B Clause Doc B Title Status